If you are one that has sent a WhatsApp message and wish you hadn’t, then worry not. WhatsApp finally has you covered. The “Delete for Everyone” feature has been in the works for quite some time and has started rolling out to Android and iOS users. As of writing this story, WhatsApp on our Android smartphone hasn’t received the update. However, the update has arrived on our iOS devices.
With Delete for Everyone, the message is deleted on both, the sender's and receiver's phone. On its FAQ page, WhatsApp said, “Deleting messages for everyone allows you to delete specific messages you have sent to either a group or an individual chat. This is particularly useful if you sent a message to the wrong chat or if the message you sent contains a mistake.” The FAQ goes on to say, “Messages you successfully delete for everyone will be replaced with "This message was deleted" in your recipients' chats (*). Similarly, if you see "This message was deleted" in a chat, it means that the sender deleted their message for everyone.”
There is however a time limit. User can delete the message only within seven minutes of sending the message. WhatsApp says, “You can only delete messages for everyone for up to seven minutes after sending. Once seven minutes have passed, there is no way to delete messages for everyone.”
If you want to know how to delete a message for everyone, you can simply “open WhatsApp and go to the chat containing the message you wish to delete. Tap and hold the message. Optionally, tap more messages to delete multiple messages at once. Tap Delete at the top of the screen > Delete for everyone”.
Another catch to the “Delete for Everyone” feature is that both the sender and receiver need to be using the latest version of WhatsApp.