Saturday, 29 December 2018

THE MEGA TOUGH 2018 QUIZ. Win 1 year's free shopping on Amazon

Q1. Which of these events did NOT take place in 2018?
Answer- Emmanuel Macron became the president of France

Q2. In a historic accord, North and South Korea signed the ‘______ Declaration’ this year, pledging to bring a formal end to the Korean War. What was the declaration called?
Answer- Panmunjom Declaration

Q3. Which of these Indian states did NOT undergo a state legislative assembly election in 2018?
Answer- Assam

Q4. India’s National Blind Cricket team beat Pakistan and won the 2018 Blind Cricket World Cup in January. In which stadium was this match played?
Answer – Sharjah Cricket Stadium, UAE

Q5. Several celebrities tied the knot this year. Which of these couples did NOT get married in 2018?
Answer – Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli

Q6. In 2018, which country opened its first movie theatre in 35 years, with the release of the movie ‘Black Panther’?
Answer – Saudi Arabia

Q7. Journalist Jamal Khashoggi was murdered inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. Which American newspaper did he work for?
Answer – Washington Post

Q8. Famously dubbed as the ‘Nobel Prize of Asia’, two Indians were awarded the Ramon Magsaysay Award this year. One was Bharat Vaswani, who was the second?
Answer- Sonam Wangchuk

Q9. This Indian engineer from Pune was part of the team that won an Oscar in 2018. Who is he?
Answer – Vikas Sathaye

Q10. Stephen Hawking, the physicist who died in March this year, was laid to rest in Westminster Abbey. His ashes lay between the graves of which two individuals?
Answer- Sir Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin


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